50 year old male patient with weakness in right and left lower limbs and slurred speech

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient' problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.

50 year old male with 

weakness of both lower limbs 

 and slurring of speech since 5 days

History of presenting illness:

Patient had a history of fall 1 year ago and he did not take any treatment for it and was alright for 8 months then 4 months back he had pain in right hip which was insidious in onset and gradually progressive in nature 

 since 1month there was change in the gait of patient which was noticed by his relatives and there is hematuria for 5 days which he has neglected

For which he consulted local doctor and diagnosed avascular necrosis of of femur for which he has given medication

After taking medication he developed weakness of both lower limbs but more on right side where he could not walk , stand and eat and he need assistance for these activities 

On 01/06/2022:

He had developed generalised weakness and couldnt feed himself not a/w dysphagia.

Past History: 

He is a known case of Diabetes mellitus (since 12years)

Patient is using insulin two times per day.

15U before breakfast and 10U in the evening.

Not a known case of HTN,CAD,ASTHMA,TB and EPILEPSY.

Personal History:

Diet - Mixed

Appetite - Normal 

Sleep - adequate

Bowel and Bladder movements - Regular

No known allergies.

Smoker - For 10 years,1-Beedi/day and paused it 4 years ago and resumed one year back.

Alcohol - For 25 years and stopped drinking when he was diagnosed with DM

He used drink continuously for 10days and stop for 20days and repeat it every month.

Family History:


General examination:

Patient was conscious , coherent, and cooperative well oriented to time , place person 

He is moderately built and moderately nourished

Pallor- mild

icterus- absent

cyanosis- absent

clubbing- absent

Lymphadenopathy - absent

Edema- present


On 02/06/2022:

Bp - 120/80mmhg

PR - 92bpm

RR -17cpm

SpO2 -97%

GRBS - 150mg/dl

Not associated with fever,SOB and chest pain.

Systemic examination:

▪CVS-- s1 ,s2 heard no murmurs

 • Respiratory system- normal vesicular breath sounds heard

 • Abdomen- no tenderness no palpable mass , not distended

On 03/06/2022:

c/c/c and afebrile

CVS - S1 S2+

CNS - Sensorium improved 

P/A - soft and non tender

stools passed 4 days back.

On 04/06/2022:

c/c/c and afebrile

BP - 120/80mmhg

PR - 88bpm

CVS - S1 S2+

CNS - Sensorium improved 

R/S - BAE + and LT CREPTS +

P/A - soft and non tender.

On 05/06/2022:


BP - 100/60mmhg

PR - 92bpm

CVS - S1 S2+

CNS - Sensorium improved 

R/S - BAE + and LT CREPTS +

P/A - soft and non tender.

On 07/06/2022:

BP - 120/80mmhg

PR - 92bpm

 Atrophy of right calf region 

sensations of both limbs - intact

absence of mobility of both limbs 

Provisional Diagnosis:

Hypokalemic periodic paralysis


ON 29/05/22

On 03/06/2022:


Rt kidney - 8.8 * 4.2 cm 

Lt kidney - 10*3.6 cm 

Size is normal but increased echotexture

CMD - partially maintained

Spleen - 12.9cm (increased)


Multiple intraductal and parenchymal calcification noted in pancreas involving and head and pancreas.

8mm calculus noted in inferior pole of left kidney.

Distended gall bladder with calcification noted of 6mm.


 • Cholelithiasis with GB sludge

 • chronic pancretitis

 • left renal calculus

 • mild splenomegaly

 • B/L grade - II RPD changes

 • minimal ascitis

On 02/06/2022:


On 04/06/2022:

On 05/06/2022:

ECG Reports:

On 02/06/2022:

On 06/06/2022:



IVF RL NS @ 75ml/hr

Inj HAI s/C TIDaccording to sliding

Tab Azithromycin 500 mg po/ od

Tab ecosprin 75 mg PO/ OD

Tab atorvas10 mg 

syp pot chlor 15 ml

syp cremaffion

Tab spironolactone25 mg

high protein diet

Tab ultraset


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