Internship assessment

 Unit duty:

Most of the time in the unit we (internees) are assigned the responsibility of patients,

So in that process we took the blood samples(for cultures too),collected their reports,updated in our respective whatsapp groups,got their ECGs,2D ECHOs,USGs,X-rays,done,filmed their 2d echo videos,made fever chartings and updated the case sheets, monitored vitals

I had put Foley's catheter and Ryles tube,for some patients

In OP I learned how to take patients complaints in brief,checked their vitals,examined CNS,P/A for few patients and learned to prescribe few medications and to few advised and motivated them to get IP for their own benefit

Here are some of the cases I made blogs about their condition

Case 1

Case 2

Case 3

Case 4

Case 5

Case 6

Case 7

Psychiatry posting:

During my psychiatry posting which was for 15 days I have known the psychiatric Importance in medicine and other departments. I have seen different cases ( OCD, SCHIZOPHRENIA, DEPRESSION, ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE) I came to know about the importance of mental health with which so many people are suffering and which is hampering their PERSONAL life . I have visited DAC and seen pts how they are suffering to start their new lifes about their daily activities and their time table  and yes, We wrote Case sheets and typed discharge summaries and got them printed.

Ward duty,Nephro duty and ICU duty:

I am posted from 27/11/22 to 11/12/22

Coming to ICU duty 

I checked vitals(BP,PR,RR,GRBS,SPO2, TEMPERATURE) hourly for patients in ICU

I took ABG samples 6 times for different patients and I learnt how to put Foley's catheter and Ryles tube insertion and did it on 4 patients

I took IV samples several times

Done CPR on 3 patients 

Coming to ward duty

I made my co interns to put soap notes of various patients in the group

And did exam conducting duty

In exam duty I alloted different cases to students ,guided them to make blogs,filmed their presentation videos

As a ward intern I undertook the responsibility of a Bengal case and sent their samples,got various tests done,collected reports,collected their 2018 case sheet from MRD,talked to UROLOGY RESIDENTS,about the patient condition

Coming to Nephro duty

I collected several patients samples,monitored vitals,collected reports.

I took the responsibility of patients,  blood bank requisitions,talked to blood bank medical officer,helped patients to get their blood from blood banks and monitored the transfusion

I took patients for DIALYSIS and monitored them while they undergoing that process.


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